Word of Life International (WOL) is a multi-service community outreach center that serves as a last resort for food, clothing and social services for South Bronx residents. Our organization was launched in 2003 at a modest level supported by individual contributions of time, money, and food by members of Word of Life Christian Fellowship International.
"We envision a community without the threat of hunger, able to support and sustain itself."
The South Bronx continues to be the poorest and most at-risk community in the City. In the zip code where WOL operates, over 42% of families and 45% of individuals live below the poverty level. A majority of WOL’s HIV/AIDS clients are undocumented immigrants. Three-quarters of the seniors served have complicated medical conditions. Access to opportunities such as jobs, stable housing and consistent medical care is very limited.
"It is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty." Juvenal Satires